November 15
Today I have decided to join Garden Bloggers Bloom Day hosted by May Dreams Gardens
a blog that I really enjoy following. Hence the unusual language today.
In our corner of the western part of Denmark we have had several nights of frost already so garden flowers are definitely beginning to be scarce: Rosa Claire Austin, however, still has flowers and flower buds to show, and the leaves are still healthy and green.
a blog that I really enjoy following. Hence the unusual language today.
In our corner of the western part of Denmark we have had several nights of frost already so garden flowers are definitely beginning to be scarce: Rosa Claire Austin, however, still has flowers and flower buds to show, and the leaves are still healthy and green.
This freckled helleborus orientalis hybrid is rather early, I think.
Black lady, the little sister, started flowering a fortnight earlier - as usual.
Clematis roguchi´s last flower Lupinus arboreus still has two flowers
The highlight of our garden right now is without a doubt this callicarpa, which, by the way, I have shown on my blog so many times by now that I am afraid my regular readers are quite fed up with it, especially since it is quite difficult to take a decent photo of it.
Whereas the callicarpa will lose its splendour once winter sets in, the beech hedge will be a constant source of pleaure until spring is back.
Jeg regner ikke med, at det er nødvendigt at kommentere på engelsk :) Jeg er rigtig glad for, at jeg i år har anskaffet mig Clair Austin, den er smuk også nu, kan jeg se.
SvarSletJeg tror nu ikke, at man er ked af at se din glasbær, måske en smule misundelig, men du må gerne vise den igen og igen.
nej, jeg syntes bare, det kunne være sjovt at prøve. Claire Austin bliver faktisk bedre med alderen. Sidste år virkede planten temmelig spinkel.
SletTak for de smukke billeder.
SvarSletHa´ en god aften.
Selv tak.
SletNo no we are not fed up with your beautiful and B I G so keep showing it!!
SvarSletHa ha kunne ikke dy mig!
SletI love 'Prince" and 'Lady In Black'...I didn't realize there was such a time difference between them blooming!
SvarSletI love them too.